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Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Custom Night Motorcle Modified SkyDrive

Suzuki Owners Jaya Perkasa wants SkyDrive output in 2009 was her look different. other than the use for the daily course for third mascot dilernya in Ungaran, Soekarno Hatta
and Indraprasta. It was in doing it for mengagkat suzuki sales in semarang. want different
from others, Haris Purnomo said when asked why SkyDrive milinya at the appointed mascot.
Night custom home modifications that in komandoi Onny and Roy in the region became sampangan reference. The main concept of changing the body shape becomes slightly wider but still powerful. All body from the frame, fairing, engine cover to the stern in black labur solid DNT Black Flatt and the swathe of fiber with a thickness of 3mm. All of it in trust to the Arie Sulistyo
Modified Solar origin of the white ground.
making the start in doing. At the foot-kai, a bandage round Onny replace rubber on the rim 3.5x14 with FDR 140/70-14 with rim materials car (front) 6.5x real size 14 and a rim variation
Swallow swathe of jazz 6.5x14 in 160/70-14. The concept was simple but still muscular and sporty karekter.

Data Modification

Front tire: 140/70-14 FDR
Rim: rim Material Car
Rear tire: 160/70-14 Swallow
Rim: rim Material Car
Brakes: Nissin
Air Filter: TDR
Exhaust: AHRS
Handlebar: Night Custom
Arm Swing: Night Custom
Phone: 081390801884 (Arie Sulistyo)


Kawasaki Night Custom Modification

There is no signpost but easily in reach of a hobbyist. That night brought Wara own custom modifications to the world especially in semarang. Night of the custom officer who Onny Widyyana Adira Finance employees also, Roy and Doel can align with the builder in big cities More like bandung, Bali, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, and Cirebon. Custom Night is a collaboration two men who have the obsession to make a big workshop. Originally a small scale and marketing in the market also goes with the campaign only with the hobbyist information. In addition to shuttle between
hobbyist who would in course of execution. That's one of the service. Although only established in 2004 but the night was a lot of custom work that spawned the acung thumb. This is a business side, to get additional results as well as livelihoods, Onny story.
In accordance with his custom night, then in its workmanship is always slaughtering each night days, starting 0.7 hours that night until the next morning. At this workshop to build their just flicked through motor learning autodidact and a lot of hanging around hobbyist big motorcycles and classic.

Modifications: Custom Night

Jl. Lamongan V/17, Sampangan, Semarang
Onny: 08112724212
Roy: 085865444027

Label: , , , , ,

Mission One Electric Motor Fastest

Electric motor vehicles are always in assuming as slow and cumbersome due to rapid electrical exhausted. Mission motors have successfully eliminated the shortcomings of such an electric motor perfomence, mileage and duration of filling. Starting from a motor-powered Ducati electricity, the result is quite satisfactory. Mission One was subsequently born, electrically-powered motor racing, What advantages?
Motor can be in the race until 150 MPL, cruise up to 150 miles or about 225 km in
Daily consumption and that produced torque can reach 100 lb-ft. Beyond all that, motor is very exciting because it can accelerate smoothly.

Label: , , , , , ,

Yamaha Mio Soul skutik Realize Self confidence

A young entrepreneur who carry out the buying and selling cars, low rider bike enthusiast as well. Owner yamaha mio in 2009 who live in `Gang.H.Zakaria Rt.07/03 No.21, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta same like his friend Yommy entrusting his property to the londof Mio modifications, home modifications builder Custom Xize. In terms of the legs of the triangle clamp the front fork congenital original mio soul. Meanwhile, Showa Honda Astrea Grand pretentious still be an option in most low-ride including pal tom.
For a combination of white body and red pearl candy paint brand with the overall barium Spies Hecker attached to chime. Airbush triball line-shaped attraction becomes more sangar flames cover pearl white color that impressed elegant and feminine.

Data Modification

front tire: 110/70-14 Swallow
Rim: 2.5 Custom xize
Rear tire: 160/60-14 Swallow
Rim: 6 Custom xize
Engine: Standard
Exhaust: Custom splash
Belt: Standard
CVT: Standard
Airs next: Standard
Sok back: Astrea Grand
Handlebar: Custom Xize
Cat: Spies Hecker
Airbush: Custom Xize

Label: , , , , ,

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Low Rider Flat Handlerbars Yamaha Mio

I still have a comfortable-comfortable daily wear. Just yesterday it hit the hole only if the same standard illness. But all that is proportional to my satisfaction when people appreciate my motorcycle. One thing that clearly benefit low rider, when he was going home to search for bike parking easy. standard search engine, I had three times back and forth nyari not a standard motor See-See. Modification of this motor is not too extreme and strange because it is sometimes in the drive for the Daily. But the details several interesting and unique enough so that This motor can say quite eyecathing. Who would glance let alone a crib accessories installed, looks even more beautiful with the dominant red color and black cyrallic all over his body.
Keep in record low rider usually uses chromium to enhance your bike but do not apply
with this motor, there is also the most if just bordesnya only. Part-kai pretty sturdy legs. in front 5 monoblock rims black with red list Swallow 120/70-14 tire dressing

Modify Data:

Front tire: 120/70-14 Swallow
Rim: monoblock 5
Tyres rear: Michelin 160/60-14
Rim: 5.6 monoblock
Disc: PSM 280 mm
Handlebars: Custom
Headlights: Fino
Raiser: Fun
Spatbord: Custom
sokbreker front: Custom Alloy
Pairs of legs in four piston calipers

Modifier: av Modified
Jl. Under health No.5, Jakarta.
Phone: 021-99534907

Label: , , , , , ,

Mio Soul Modifications such as Thai Style

Houses Modified, Modified Endok Ceplok started flying since 2008. Series of achievements have been many of them can. Including one of them is the winner of the 2008 yamaha mofest entitled to perform in Thailand. Great Ismanto the builder and owner Endok Ceplok Modified, it always pours his ideas with new concepts. As in doing the Great to mio yamaha motor output in 2006 that in his magic into the latest release of yamaha mio. Even probably better than the standard mio latest output. Great just combine the concept of Latest from yamaha mio soul with Thai style MODIF koonsep Style. Only combined between Yamah concept Indonesian version of mio soul with Thai style concept.

Modify Data

Front tire: 60/80-17 Duro
Rim: TDR 17 Ring U-Share
Rear tire: 70/80-17 tire Deli
Rim: TDR 17 Ring U-Share
Master front calipers: Nissin / Brembo 4 Piston
CVT: Nouve Soul
Airs next: Trusty
Sok back: YSS Classic
Handlebar: X-1 R Thailand
Riser: Custom
Lights Home: Mio Soul
Exhaust: Password

Label: , , ,

Kymco Motorcycle Pioneer Skutik Benson

Certainty comes back enliven Kymco motorcycle market has been missed homeland, with the soft launching some time ago, no longer using the name but Benson Kymco.
Although only limited soft opening at the launch ceremony that marked the ribbon cutting
by the president director of PT Power Mobility Benson, Ben Astono place lively and successful.
In addition to attending business partners such as leasing, banking, LPD, and press activities in concentrated yag Benson's office in Bali, Jl. Marlboro, attended Mr.Victor Tsai, international Kymco general sales Mr. Jacky Chan, sales manager for Asia Fasifik Kymco. in a word sambutanya, Ben Astono revealed, Kymco comes with the name of Benson, as it is a brand pertfolio, different concepts and skutik era of pioneering new ground in water.
As an initial distribution phase, Indonesia in ration 300 units for both types of super 8
and the like. Although there is no target but remains optimistic that consumer response will be high, considering characteristics of the target segment, far different from product to other existing scooter that engines A more powerful and racing model and classic European-style retro. In addition to engine capacity, iron horse is also equipped with a mobile phone and ipod charger

Label: , , ,

Suzuki Motor Gebyar SkyDrive

Suzuki Gebyar title success in 14 cities in Indonesia, not only limited to introducing
suzuki matic engine performance newest SkyDrive, but also boost sales of products suzuki. As in expressing the main joko, marketing planing head section PT SIS, when the encounter MOTOrev on the sidelines of the opening of the final round Geber eastern Suzuki, Saturday (20 / 3). Although the goal These activities led to more promotion, this event turned out to contribute to boost sales suzuki reach 100 units. Peseta too much enthusiasm. To register as many participants Bali region in 2000. In addition to the general public, some participants from Bali is also a racer from the road race. No one in sight as a place denpasar Organizing finals champions such as the eastern region, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Makassar, Surabaya.

Label: , , , ,

Combined Zero DS Hesketh Innovation And Passion

In designing mobile on the surface was covered and still be agile at the street festival, it wasDS Hesketh zero. Which reflects the freedom of the motor is made out of habit. Ability countless extraordinary, great starting acceleration. DS Hesketh zero, as the name suggests, motor capable of racing without the belching exhaust emissions and noise. Motor can instantaneous glide without the `know those around them. His features are different, not on the motor Generally, by the middle of the fat. In this section battery in place, however the display remain attractive with the pull of the line from outside the framework. In order to make two sections flanking
battery, this approach is taken to its rigid chassis but still lightweight. Zero Hekest DS has weight amounted to 122.5 kg have included battery.

Label: , , ,

Benson Super Eight Views Aroma sporty

Benson directs eight super sporty look of a thick aroma. It looks sportier impression
from the front to the back until the legs. If the next sector was represented double
crystal head light, digital speedometer sporty clock, then in the middle to rear
look at the cover-side racing sports, spacius comfy and sporty compact floor boards up
rear lighting and turbo exhaust.
While the sector is reflected through the legs of racing disc brake large, big front and rear
tire, auto quick-step foot realese. In accordance with the model, the superior de; haunted at present for person who wants to appear masculine sporty and confident, a different mirror identity and has a class of its own.
Super eight dimensionless length, width and height of 1950mm, 740mm, 1205mm with a wheelbase distance 1355mm. Engine type 4 stroke OHC use cooler water. Excess iron horse is a motor sport located on the wheel width. Size 100/80R14 front tires, while

Label: , ,

Honda Vario Techno CBS Exotic Feet Operation

This time, Big Modification to find a voice on the other side. It turns out the voice
from areas distant regions of the mind Rahmanto padepokan workshop. Is muhammad
Kamaruzzaman serious modification order honda Vario Techno CBS hers. Muhammad Kamaruzzaman
Want to change the appearance of the latest skutik this honda. After agreement on the set,
operation projects exotic legs in the execution of this started. The father of Zawir, Bella and Kasvil.
The concept of modification lead to exotic parts of the legs. this as the view to relieve boredom. This successful entrepreneur meleps exhausted legs standard. Even though the motor MODIF favorite in the style of rider, but for lovers of this Honda should have the feature if bike was hers. To be granted obsession, a citizen of this didn't fully entrusted to the Big Modification.

Modify Data:

Front tire: 120/70-14 Maxxis
Rim: Og whell diameter 5 and radius 100
Tyres rear: Michelin 160/60-14
Rim: diameter 5.8 Og whell and the radius of 100
Foot-kai four piston calipers in pairs
Discs: labeled KTC
sokbreker back: YSS High
Speedometers: Koso
Mirror: Ness Custom

Workshop modifications:

Jl. Mugeni 1 RT 004 RW 004 No. 32-33
Pisangan Lama III, East Jakarta.
Phone: 021-92304496

Label: , , , ,

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Test with top time Pedrosa wraps up Jerez

Pedrosa wraps up Jerez Test with top time
The Repsol Honda rider tops the timesheet at the end of the Official MotoGP Test day, with Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo, Randy de Puniet and Andrea Dovizioso all performing well.


Honda Scoopy Matic 4Stroke a motorcycle has a 110 cc That has been two months ago out in Thailnad.melewati source WHO refused to be named, there will of motor matic Also maybe be entered on the know- to indonesia 2010, preparations to deal with its Motor


Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

suzuki thunder mods pics 1

suzuki thunder mods pics 1
modification with thunder 250cc streetfighter style but still entered in the category of extreme modification.
time used to change 250 cc suzuki thunder from extreme to streetfighter takes approximately 3-4 months.
materials used in modifying the thunder from the motor it has a very good quality. front suspension uses shock absorbers of Suzuki GSX400, GSX-R600. to use the swing arm suzuki GSX400.
classical impression of this bike still on the show with footrests made by an artisan of art from the city warm.

Label: ,

new minerva T150 VX 2010Minerva T150VX 2010

Specification minerva T150VX

Kristanto explained, the front fairing Minerva R150VX more sporty than previous variants. Meanwhile, the rear fairing far looks very sporty rear fenders.
Also be a sporty tank, larger fuel tanks such as motor sport racing with big cc (moge).

According to him, with a bigger tank at the top will give room for our feet 'in' attached to the frame. "When an accident (falling) body of the tank will give the defense a bit in order to not only keep our feet on the asphalt bike weight, such as the function of the frame slider," said Kristanto.

Another advantage, he explained, headlight, projector headlights using an older version, this type can be much lighter than the previous type. Then, the lights behind the mufflers.
"Sporty design with finishing sunblasting look and use the cover," he added.

While it will be retained as the previous series is a digital speedometer, front and rear double diskbrake, upsidedown shockabsorber (front), and monoshocks (rear).

"For the engines, Sachs Germany who designed specifically for R-150VX, 150 cc with a 13.5 HP, more powerful," said Kristanto.

Minerva's presence seemed to precede R150VX sole agent (ATPM), such as PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) who intend to launch the 153 cc motor sport Byson PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) which will be issued a 150 cc sport bike, and PT TVS Motor Indonesian company would launch a sports bike TVS Apache 180 cc.

Segment of motor sport in Indonesia, contributing only about 7% of the total domestic market reached about 5.8 million units in 2009. however, this segment is relatively stable and even tended to increase although thin. It's better than a motorcycle segment continues to sag, evicted by the type skutik.